X-Cart Mobile
Mods and templates to allow your X-Cart shop to be seen on mobile devices, smartphones, etc.
This product includes the code to auto switch your site to a mobile version when a mobile device is detected. It includes a base mobile skin that you can customize to suit your needs. It should work on most mobile devices. Many clients prefer for us to optimize it though for their specific skin, ...
Easily manage your store from a mobile device or tablet! This module auto displays when it detects a mobile device and will display your X-cart admin in a mobile friendly view! For tablets there's a quick 'Mobile Admin' link to switch to mobile mode as well! Desktop display is untouched!
Market price: $199.95
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X-Cart Mobile ready template, Fresh Apple
- Customised for Smartphone layout
- W3C Compliant
- Easy to change color scheme
- Photoshop elements provided
- Includes FREE customisable logo
Responsive X-Cart template, 4.7 ready
Template scales to fit all screen sizes, desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, devices, etc.