Normal X-cart Pro to X-mall conversion features
- Stores have a url like
- Each provider can have their own "store" and store url
- All provider's products show up in the "mall" (main store url)
- Auto populated list of stores
- Search just in current store or in entire mall
- Providers control which categories display in their store
- All other pro operations perform normally
Strict X-cart Pro to X-mall conversion features
- Stores have a url like
- Each provider has their own "store" and store url
- Providers control which categories display in their store
- Customers can only shop in 1 store at a time and do not cross over to any other stores.
Optional Features:
- Buy Cart-Lab's Skinswap from us and we can modify it to allow for different skins for each of the stores.
- Make provider's products available only upon Admin approval of them. Buy our X-cart Pro Product Approval Mod for this feature.
Price includes installation for a scheduled install!* This module is install by us only. Please select which type of mall you want and any options. We will contact you to schedule this install (current wait time is 2-4 weeks). If you need it immediately and we don't have an opening, then we may need to charge extra if we are booked up with customers. Feel free to
Contact Us with any questions or to inquire about an available time to install.
*Price includes 4 hours of installation time on an X-cart Pro install. New, unmodified installs of X-cart Pro are a flat $250 fee for scheduled installs! If your X-cart pro store has been modified, then installation may take longer. If installation takes longer than 4 hours on a X-cart Pro install, then we will need to charge hourly in 1/2 hour increments. Feel free to contact us with any questions!
NOTE: That this product is not included in our global discounts at this time.