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Strong Password for X-cart

Strong Password for X-cart
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Market price: $39.95
Did you know that you can have your site hacked by a weak admin password?

This mod checks, in real time, a user's entered password upon account creation and can prevent account creation with a weak password. This is great for enforcing strong password practices amoung your employees and their admin account.

This is a must have mod for every x-cart store!

Highly configurable. You can configure how long passwords must be, how important you want numeric characters to be in the password, special characters, etc. You can even have different settings for how strong an admin or how strong a customer's password must be.

Be sure and click on the thumbnail for screen shots!

As with all BCSE products, you are entitled to 3 months of upgrades! Be sure and enter your shop domain to be eligible!
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