Home :: X-Cart Marketing :: Review Points - Customer Reward Points Addon

Review Points - Customer Reward Points Addon

Review Points - Customer Reward Points Addon
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Market price: $49.95
Allow customers to earn points for submitting reviews. If the customer is logged in, they have the opportunity to earn points for any reviews they submit. If they aren't logged in, they are prompted to login after submitting a review. Points are awarded when the review is approved. On the admin side, there are controls for the number of points earned per review and the maximum number of points a customer can earn from reviews.

This mod includes our Review Management mod features! All reviews placed by customers are moderated before they go live on the store.

Requirements: This mod requires that you have our Customer Reward Points mod installed.

As with all BCSE products, you are entitled to 3 months of upgrades! Be sure and enter your shop domain below to be eligible!
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