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Product Packaging / Bundle module for X-cart

Product Packaging / Bundle module for X-cart
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Market price: $69.95
Easily bundle your products into a one product package. This is great for easily giving the customer a great deal on products that are grouped together!

Admin Features
  • Easily create a new product and enable the bundle feature for it
  • Select which products are included in the bundle
  • For each product, you can define how many of that product should be included in the bundle as well as the ordering of display on the customer side.
  • As an admin, you can choose to have the product bundle price to be the price of all products in the bundle plus or minus an absolute $ amount or %. This is great for easily giving $10 off the total of all products no matter what any future individual product price changes may be. Alternatively, you can set the price to be the price you setup for that bundled product if you never want the price to change dependant on the price of the products in the bundle.
  • Easily enable or disable a product in the bundle.
  • Upon checkout, the quantity in stock of each of the items in the bundle are deducted as well as a deduction for the Bundled product.
Customer Features
  • Customer view of the bundled product allows the customer to select any product options
  • Upon customer add to cart, the bundled product is displayed with a clear indication of the items in the bundle and links to the individual products
  • Upon checkout, the invoice clearly displays the bundled product with a clear indication of the items included in the bundle

Be sure and view the screen shots to see this module in action.

As with all BCSE products, you are entitled to 3 months of upgrades! Be sure and enter your shop domain below to be eligible!
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