Home :: Preorder Backorder mod for X-cart

Preorder Backorder mod for X-cart

Preorder Backorder mod for X-cart
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Market price: $79.95
With the Preorder / Backorder mod, you can define some of your products having either the preorder or backordered status! Great for stores that sell pre-released items or want customers to buy items expected to be back in stock! Complete with organizational tools to allow ease of managing partial shipments!

Be sure and click on the thumbnail to check out the screen shots to get a better idea of the features included in this mod!!

Admin Features
  • Set an item as preorder or backordered
  • Set an expected arrival date, or enter custom arrival date text
  • Enter an expected ship time period (example, 2-4 days once in stock, etc)
  • Enter Optional Details on the preorder/backordered mod (example: Reserve this HOT pre-release title today!)
  • Checkbox for "no charge on order" Allow an order to be added to the cart at no charge.
  • Preordered items, you enter the quantity expected in, into the quantity available box. This allows customers only to buy up to the total amount on preorder! Keeping customers from overbuying a preordered item!
  • New order statuses - Preordered and Backordered
  • Each item has a "ship" status displayed, creating clear communication to your customers the status of each item on their order. This also helps you keep track of which items still need shipped!

Customer Features:
  • Clear display on each product preorder or backorder status and expected arrival date
  • Popup link to more information on the preorder/backorder product. Including:
    1. Status (preorder or backorder)
    2. Expected Date Available
    3. Shipping time period
    4. Details on the preorder / backorder product
  • Clear display of ship status on Order History area in the Customer side.

As with all BCSE products, you are entitled to 3 months of upgrades! Be sure and enter your shop domain below to be eligible!

Note: This is a long installation. If you are not comfortable installing mods, we recommend you have us or someone else qualified to install mods install this for you.
Note: Inventory tracking must be turned on for this mod to work as it relies on items being out of stock for backorder, or having a set number of items to be stocked for preorder.

Supports product variants!! Allow each variant to have it's own preorder or backorder status!
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