Version 3 out now for 4.5x and 4.6.x!
One of the best selling 3rd party modules just got better!
Point of Sale / Phone ordering X-cart Addon gives businesses the ability to
unify E-commerce, In-Store, and Phone orders into a single X-cart system. This gives business owners and managers the ability to maintain inventory and orders in one place. Once in X-cart, the orders appear with the E-commerce orders, to be monitored and managed in the existing business processes and with other X-cart components.
The Point of Sale system focuses on an
intuitive and
efficient interface to minimize the customer's wait while the admin places the order.
This product will not affect your X-cart upgrades! There are no changes needed to x-cart, to install this mod!
Key Features:
- Discounts on the Fly (% or absolute)
- Ability to override store shipping costs through on the fly order discounting
- Ability to override product prices
- All X-cart Shipping methods ,including realtime!
- Flexible Product Search Function - simplifies use of SKU and bar code scanners
- When searching for products, if only one product is found and it has no product options, it will be auto added to order. This makes for super fast order entry.
- Supports Product options and their price changes.
- Orders displayed in Default currency
- All X-cart Tax methods supported (plus adjustments for In-store taxing and manual Tax override for General tax system for 3.5.x versions)
- All Native X-cart Payment methods, plus a new Cash method for taking instore cash.
- Ability to store CC number in the order, or link to virtual terminal (only uses a few payment gateways due to restrictions on their use..see below for list of supported gatways)
- Select existing customer, or create new customer
- Enable the payment methods you want to appear in the Point of Sale (separate from X-cart enabled payment methods).
- Tracking of which Sales person took the order.
- Ability to leave Order Notes directly when placing the order.
- One Click product preview - Great for double checking the product you are adding to the order!
- Editable templates
- Multiple Add products to order!
- Product Search by Category
- Integration BCSE Points system
- Added "free tax" option in 4.1.x and 4.2.x versions of the module to allow the admin to turn off taxing for the order they are working on.
Flexible Pricing!
This mod has flexible pricing to suit your business needs! You can buy 1, 2, 5 or unlimited number of sales terminals! Upgrade to more terminals at any time! The number of terminals you need depend on the number of simultaneous users you want working with the Point of Sale. If you need 2 people to be able to use it at the same time, then select 2 terminals for example.
Printable to Receipt printer with Option selected below!
Full Feature List here
New Features in Version 3!:
- Efficient AJAX Interface!
- Ability to turn off auto-adding of products to orders
- Enable Bar Code Scanner Mode
- Disable displaying Hidden products in search results
- Disable displaying Disabled products in search results
Now with payment gateway support!!
For 4.0.x of X-cart we support: AIM
Link Point
Verisign Payflow Pro
Protx Direct
Paypal Pro
eProcessingNetwork - Transparent Database Engine Gateway
For 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x & 4.4.x of X-cart we support: AIM DPM
Paypal Pro
Payflow Pro
eWay Payment Gateway
USA ePay
For 4.5.x & 4.6.x of X-cart we support: DPM SIM
SagePay Go - Form protocol
Will take requests for other payment modules
Note: Does not support
X-cart Pro Invoice splitting due to features of this mod preventing clean order invoice splitting!
Note Screen shots are Version 3 Only!
SSL certificate is required if you want to store CC numbers in the database or transmit CC numbers via the Point of Sale system.
Note: This mod currently does not work for X-configurator items or special offers.
Note: For version 3 of the Point of Sale, it is optimized for
webkit browsers such as Chrome or Safari. It will work in the latest Firefox and Opera as well. Due to Internet Explorer not following web standards, we advise using one of the other mentioned browsers.
Click here for the POS demo