Home :: X-Cart Mods :: Missing Image Checker for X-Cart

Missing Image Checker for X-Cart

Missing Image Checker for X-Cart
This mod is a simple script that checks your database for missing Thumbnails and Main Product Images.
When run, it will display a list of products with missing images.
It will show the product ID, the SKU and also the availability of the product.
It can also then set the Availability of these products to Disabled so they no longer show on your site.

There are 4 separate files included, so that you can check thumbnails and main product images separately.
And also so that you can just check the missing images without making any changes, or you can update
all products with missing images to Disabled availability so they don't show on your site.
(The products are NOT deleted, they are still in the database/admin, you can set them to "Available for Sale" at any time.

You would then get an output that might look a bit like this:
(obviously, it could be much, much longer if you have a lot of missing images)

count of prods=4772, count of images_T=4769

Product:- ID: 2373, SKU: SKU2373 with Availability of Y -- has no Thumbnail
Product:- ID: 2808, SKU: 468121 with Availability of N -- has no Thumbnail
Product:- ID: 2817, SKU: SKU2817 with Availability of H -- has no Thumbnail

The "Availability of..." uses the default X-Cart codes for product availability.
Y - for Yes, so that product is available.
N - that's Disabled so not showing on the site anyway.
H - that's Hidden, but available for sale.

When running the file to disable the products, it just sets the availability to N.
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