Place banners anywhere! Seamlessly integrate Ads and Banners into your existing X-cart site!! Associate Ad / Banners with your X-cart categories and display only relevant ads to customers!
Use Ad / Banner module to promote your own products and/or advertise for other companies.
Current Features
- Ad/Banner can be associated with any or all categories
- When a customer views a category on your store, related Ads/Banners will appear.
- Ads/Banners have a priority rating and are selected on a random but weighted selection.
- Ads/Banners can be associated with a banner type (for example vertical_banner, horizontal_banner, etc).
- Configurable so that certain banner types only show up in specified spots on your store.
- Ad/Banner types unlimited and are configurable by Admin.
- Ad/Banners can have a set number of times to display.
- Ad/Banners can have an expiration date.
- Ad/Banners can open in a new window or in the current window.
- Statistics are gathered for banner impressions and click-throughs!
Works with the HTML catalog except banners will not be random until a customer goes to the php side of the store.
View the
Read Me file.
Currently supports gif, jpg, and png image files.
Now html & FLASH banners are supported!
As with all BCS Engineering products, you are entitled to
3 months of
free upgrades! Be sure and enter your shop domain below to be eligible!