Home :: X-Cart 5 Modules :: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5

Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5

Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5

It happens to the best of us: we’re in the middle of online shopping, have items in our cart but walk away just before clicking “Confirm Purchase.” Whether it’s because of indecision, interruptions or other reasons, it happens all the time – and all too often those shoppers never return to complete their purchase. Abandoned Cart Reminder helps you recapture at least a portion of those sales that would otherwise be lost by automatically emailing one or more reminders to customers who log off before completing the checkout process.

The X-Factor: What Makes this Module Great

Stop sales from slipping through your fingers with Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart version 5 module, which automatically emails registered and "guest" customers to remind them of items pending in their shopping carts. You can even attach discounts to further boost conversion rates — and your revenue!

Key Features

  • Automatic reminders.

    Configure your preferences and the module will flick through abandoned carts regularly and send email notifications automatically. The module will skip sending reminders about carts whose owner has placed an order, so no worry about annoying your customers with unnecessary emails.

  • Full manual control.

    Search, remind and remove abandoned carts manually, anytime.

  • One-click recovery for customers.

    Customers can recover the entire contents of their shopping cart with a single click; no need to add items to the bag from scratch. It even retains selected product options and variants.

  • Discount notifications add-on.

    Further improve the odds of recapturing that sale by giving discount coupons towards the shopper’s next purchase (requires free Coupons module).

  • Configurable notification settings.

    Choose the time period between abandonment and the reminder email and specify the text, the frequency and number of reminders you want to send.

  • Works with registered and "guest" customers.

    Automatically logs-in registered users and automatically populates address information for "guest" customers.

  • Track collected revenue.

    See for yourself just how much revenue you recover with Abandoned Cart Reminder for version 5 of X-Cart.

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